Contact us to schedule your class or workshop of choice! In person, virtual, and on-demand classes available.
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Samantha has more than thirty-five years of teaching experience throughout North America and Europe - from BirthDance ™ to Yoga, Herbal Medicine Making, to the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy Self Care, Women’s Health to Natural Parenting classes.
Prenatal Partners WORKSHOP
Consider a moment of time to bond with your birth partner to the deepest level, as you prepare for birth. Through breathing, meditation, yogic positions, massage, and loving intention, we will move through the dance of labor and birth; empowering your partner with tools to support birthing mama!
Wearing stretchy clothing to move in for this one hour time.
Prenatal Yoga
Strengthen, stretch, stay comfortable, and prepare for labor!
Prenatal & Postpartum Yoga with Infant Massage
In this comprehensive Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga class, we will address the changing needs of your Pregnant and Postpartum bodies.
You will learn Infant Massage, in preparation for babe coming, or with babe with you. A sweet bonding moment.
Mama Yoga
Join me in releasing what you no longer need, and calling in what feeds you, with Mama Yoga.
Pregnant, Postpartum, Mamas and Parents encouraged to attend.
And Baby Makes Four!
Consider your elder child’s transition into siblinghood.
We will discuss the dynamics of how to make this transition flow easier, and be a celebratory moment in your family’s story.
Baby Signing
Yes, babies can communicate sooner than you think, even before verbal articulation. Learn about this variation of American Sign Language, just for babies. Basic signs include those for eating time, potty time, nap time, and others. Learning these simple signs and teaching them to your baby can reduce baby’s frustration to communicate and let you know what they need.
BirthDance™: Combining Yoga, Movement & Fun Rhythms!
Join Samantha for a fusion of meditative yoga and moving your hips to fun, rhythms! Prenatal and PostPartum Mamas with pre-crawling babes welcome! Samantha's dance, yoga, doula, and integrative woman's health background will help you to relax and open, and then let your baby help heal your wombs post-partum.
Holding Your Babe To Hold, or Not to Hold? That is the question...
How many gadgets are there on the market encouraging separation from our babes? Save money, and follow research-based, and the Ancient Traditional Wisdom of Holding Your Babe.... We will review the benefits, scenarios, and the outcomes of held babies.
Honoring Thy Womb
In the life of a woman, she will experience life, loss, grief, joy, love and sadness. Join us in creating a group of Wombmyn…sharing our experiences, processing through the losses, the pain, the joy and the ecstasies through the written word, visual expression, ceremony and movement.
Homeschooling, Allowing Family to be Our Children’s Center: The Possibilities for Now and the Future
Children learn through play, love, and laughter and being in our arms how to be self-assured, loving Citizens of the World. Join us for a discussion of what is homeschooling, how to homeschool, whether it is a fit for now or the future. We will discuss the simplicity, the abundant social aspects, and the legalities of homeschooling and more!
Infant Potty Training, Intro
This class discusses how to tune into your child’s cues, allowing your little ones to become in tune with their body’s rhythms. If you are wanting to save diapers, lessen laundry, and help support your little one in being diaper free, sooner, this is the class for you, partner, caregiver, and family.
Returning to Intimacy
When PostPartum Mamas experience birth, their bodies and brains change. The dynamic of breasts feeding babies, and co-sleeping, is unknown territory for new parents to traverse. How do you find the sweetness of intimacy as a couple, re-create and continue the integrity of strength, as the nucleus of the family? We will discuss how to navigate this new territory and begin your future together, as loving parents and partners.
Infant Massage Classes for Parents & Caregivers
Is your baby experiencing colic, times of stress and upset, or would you just like to learn a new way to increase your bond with baby? Bring your towels, blankets, pillows for floor sitting with your favorite natural/organic oil or lotion and learn how to nurture your baby in a whole new way! Newborns to toddlers alike will love this class with Moms, Dads, grandparents and caregivers.
Mama Self Care: How Stressed Are You?
Don’t underestimate stress…it is one of the most powerful factors of our health, our child’s health and our familial health. It is stated among scientific research that mothers of young children lead the most stressful lives of all. So how can we care for ourselves so we can thrive within this time of our lives? Come discuss, learn and listen to wise ways that have been time proven.
From Mothers Milk to the First Bite: Nursing, Weaning & First Foods
Join us while we discuss and share our experiences, joys, frustrations, and how we transition with our baby growing, changing and having new needs and wants, combining Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and our Western Practice.
Postpartum Preparation: How to Care for Mama
Based upon the Ancient Traditions of Postpartum Care for Mama; we will discuss how to keep one self healthy, vital, grounded, and ultimately bonded with your babe. Bringing oneself back together, after childbirth, allowing for us to recalibrate to our new life as a parent.
The Sleep Dance: The Where & Hows
We will discuss Shut-Eye. How much do we need as parents, lactating or not? How do we accumulate more hours? Do we share our bed or not? How do we transition from the bed or night wean? How have you done this dance and what has been ideal for you and your family?
The Traveling Child
Don’t despair! Traveling can be enjoyable and relaxing with your child, whether a babe, toddler, or older! Come learn how to prepare for traveling via plane, trains, ferries, and automobiles.
Conscious Vaccination
Should you or shouldn’t you vaccinate? With the current California law, and parents' concerns of multiple vaccinations being given to infants, what will your family choice be? Do you have a supportive pediatrician to listen and support your family’s wishes? Join Emily and Samantha to discuss their parenting journey, traversing through this dilemma, and hear some evidence based information, as well as, learn of supportive pediatric care.
Uterine & Prostate Self Care Workshops
We journey through the life of your uterus or prostate, through meditation, movement, drawing, storytelling, listening, and learning the Ancient Traditional Wisdoms of caring for your belly. Sink into this safely virtual, special time to honor yourself - past, present and future.